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Browsing by Author "Nurunnabi, Md"

Browsing by Author "Nurunnabi, Md"

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  • Haque, Enamul; Ali, Zavabeti; Uddin, Nizam; Wang, Yichao; Rahim, Md. Arifur; Syed, Nitu; Xu, Kai; Jannat, Azmira; Haque, Farjana; Zhang, Bao Yue; Shoaib, Mahbubul Alam; Shamsuddin, Sayed; Nurunnabi, Md; Harri, Andrew T.; Ou, Jian Zhen; Minett, Andrew I. (Chemistry of Materials, ACS Publications, Scopus, 2020-01-16)
    Nitrogen-doped carbon catalysts prepared from amino-functionalized metal–organic frameworks [amino-MIL-101(Al)] were investigated for the oxygen-reduction reaction (ORR) with special emphasis on elucidating the role of ...

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