The population of the world is growing day by day, so is the technology. the people around the
world are trying to make the life easier through the technology.so in the developed countries
specific old age homes are established and manage in an organized way. and this becoming
accurate and easy because of the internet. Internet uses servers that stores data and that data
becomes easy to access and manage. though the concept of paid old age homes is not still
acceptable in Bangladesh but in the nearest future people will send their parents to the old age
home in lack of time that they cannot spend to take care of them.so as Bangladesh is a developing
country people are implementing technology in their company or organization. and nowadays each
and every organization has a website that represents everything. We are trying to build a website
for an old age home that will be able to manage and represent every information of the old age
home. we are trying to cover the contact information, status update, donation system, health
profiles and also an accounts management section of the organization. If our projects succeed then
this website can be used from Client and server both sides. the management authority can monitor
and manage everything with this single website including duty shifting, medicine routines, checkup
schedule and maintenance. So, this single website can be a major breakthrough for old age