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Understanding Skin Disorder with Convolution Neural Network.

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dc.contributor.author Shimu, Sumaia
dc.contributor.author Anti, Farzana Alam
dc.contributor.author Nath, Lingkon Chandra Deb
dc.date.accessioned 2023-04-01T03:20:38Z
dc.date.available 2023-04-01T03:20:38Z
dc.date.issued 23-01-18
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.daffodilvarsity.edu.bd:8080/handle/123456789/10079
dc.description.abstract The dermis is the body's biggest and quickest organ. A variety of events between the immune cells of the skin and keratinocytes result in a severe case of dermatitis. The development of the illness can be aided by the involvement of keratinocytes and live immune cells as well as skin-penetrating cells. The chemokine that are produced by the activated cells bind to the skin's immune cells. The number of skin cancer-related fatalities in Bangladesh has reached roughly 0.04%, per the most recent statistics from WHO issued in 2018. As per age, the risk of dying is 0.27 per 1000 births. Peeling, acne, eczema, melanoma, and cold symptoms are six types of skin diseases that the author has advised research utilizing transfer learning. Using a convolutional neural network, various skin disorders were categorized. Four cutting-edge Transfer Learning models, namely NASNetLarge, InceptResNetV2, EfficientNetB1, and DenseNet169, have been utilized for the CNN comparison, with NASNetLarge providing the highest accuracy (accuracy 90%& validation 80%). Additionally, NASNetLarge, the state of our model, is fully able to differentiate across different disease kinds. Skin specialists can diagnose early skin illnesses by looking at images of the problem spots after image processing. As a consequence, the type of sickness can be guaranteed, and as a result, it could be secured to lessen the skin diseases' severity and challenges. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher Daffodil International University en_US
dc.subject Diseases en_US
dc.subject Skin diseases en_US
dc.subject Skin--Cancer en_US
dc.title Understanding Skin Disorder with Convolution Neural Network. en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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