Right now, social media is the quickest and most effective way to communicate. Through social media, people can communicate their thoughts and feelings. We wanted to build a social media platform where people could talk about their mood disorders and get advice from professionals or others who had already dealt with the issue. Our social media platform is called EASE. The framework that was suggested combined a confrontation using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React to show the content structure and a back end of the database using MongoDB, ExpressJS, and Node.js. This project examined the tools and technology used to create the framework. The framework of various social media platforms was contrasted in order to find commonalities and differences. The rationale for selecting one improvement technique for this extent was examined along with a variety of improvement techniques. The techniques used to draw the desired conclusions were also covered, along with how the analysts and engineers will generally apply these techniques when creating the proposed framework. Modeling Dialect Graphs that were bound together were created to represent each framework. Exhibits of various websites that were accessible online were discussed, and after that, an evaluation using two methods to assess the internet's location was carried out.