E-Mart is basically a multi-vendor e-commerce platform Using MERN Stack. If we think then we can understand that after Covid-19 e-commerce has taken a new form in our country. Which was not seen much before 2018. Corona virus has shown us how technologically backward we are. And taught us that we need to improve our ideas and technology to move forward. From this line of thinking our E-Mart is going to start a new horizon with new ideas and new technology. E-Mart to improve our shopping experience. Because we have given the same flexibility to the merchant as we have thought about the user experience here. Here a customer can buy any product online or offline from any shop of his choice from any shopping complex. Here as a customer will regain his loyalty, merchants will also be able to do their business offline and online. We have to search a lot to buy something we need and sometimes we can't even trust the current e-commerce. The idea of E-Mart is very effective to solve this problem of customers. So I think the idea of e-mart is a modern idea now.