Publishers adopt different ways to sort the papers. Two of the most common tagging
methods are Journal based tagging and Content-based tagging. In journal based tagging the
tags are given to the papers depending on the published journal's interested fields. On the
other hand, authors like Dimension use machine learning to classify and sort the paper's
categories. Which method conveys more information and accuracy is a question to be
answered. This study revealed that content base tagging is better than journal base tagging
for sorting the paper’s categorization by using title, abstract, and keywords. Gender
discrimination or inequality refers to the unequal treatment of humans depending on their
gender. To measure gender discrimination Gaye et al. used 3 statistical dimensions labor
market, empowerment, and reproductive health. Education is one of the most important
indicators of the gender discrimination index. Stereotype thinking plays a key role to
demotivate females to participate in technical fields. World Bank data shows that the girl's
participation ratio in primary and secondary education is increasing in developing countries
like India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, and Nepal. On the other hand, gender bias has
a negative impact on girls' education and choosing STEM-related subjects. Technical
Education or a full form of STEM (STEM) related education plays a vital role in the
development of a nation. This research aims to find out the veracity of stereotypical views
and thinking. Besides, this research revealed female performance on technical and nontechnical
subjects and find that females are better than males in both technical and nontechnical