The Primary purpose of a computer network is to share resources. A computer
network is referred to as client/server if (at least) one of the computers is used to
server other computers referred to as client. Besides the computers, other types of
devices can be part of the network. In the early days of networking, there will be a
central server that contains the data and all the clients can access this data through a
Network Interface card. Later on client server architecture came into existence, where
there is still a burden on the server machine. To avoid the disadvantages in distributed
computing was introduced which reduces the burden on the server by providing work
sharing capabilities. The Primary purpose of a computer network is to share resources.
A computer network is referred to as client/server if (at least) one of the computers is
used to server other computers referred to as client. Besides the computers, other
types of devices can be part of the network. In the early days of networking, there was
once a central server that contained the data and all the clients could access this data
through a Network Interface card. Later on client server architecture came into
existence, where there is still a burden there on the server machine. To avoid the
disadvantages in distributed computing was introduced which reduces the burden on
the server by providing work sharing capabilities.