Alpha Tracks is a web application that is useful for companies who run hardware stores, where the store owner maintains track of sales and purchases. While selling a vehicle to a buyer in online, this program assists the administrator in updating data in a step-by-step manner. The management staff may collect orders, update customer information, car information, payment and insurance details, and more using this system. Particularly for the sport motorcycles, new bike kinds have been created with appealing shapes and patterns. In order to draw in more clients and boost sales margins, bike firms operate both online and offline. By using this web application, a user can effortlessly buy a bike; they do not need to physically visit the store. Instead of having so many section in a bike showroom and so many people for each & every section, it is enough to have only one person to do all works in a computer. So the web app save space, time, money and the like. The system wide specification takes the place of manual work. Currently, every car and bike showroom uses this type of web application to computerize the entire system.