In This project, we have built an amazing android app called GHOR CHAI. We have created an app, where people can easily find house when they shift their houses or go to a new place. In this app they can search house, they can buy house and also they can also get rent out houses. And for owner they can give rent their houses and sell their lands. In our “Ghor Chai” we created two different sections, one for the admin panel and one for the user’s panel. Here, users can post the rent house and they can sell the house. Also they can listed their post in top wanted with the help of admins. The users who wants to get rent houses they can have a short preview of houses. They can also buy house and get rent out. After completing the advance payment they can shift their house to their choices house. Customers can use digital payment of their choice for payment. For example: bKash, Rocket etc. Users can also search for their preferred accommodation according to their category. The most important feature of our application is road mapping. The location of the user and the location of his preferred house will be automatically shown on Google Maps through which the user can easily go to his preferred house and that will help the user for finding houses easily. The “Ghor Chai” also have other features like contract number of Electrician and plumbers with locations which is helpful for the new arrivals. And yes “Ghor Chai” giving the facility to contract with admin by phone call or mailing for any kind of help. Our main aim is to find safe and accessible housing for people so that they can easily find their desired housing without any hassle.