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The Prevalence of Hair Falling (Androgenic Alopecia) Among People in Randomly Selected Areas of Bangladesh

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dc.contributor.author Arafat, Abdula Al
dc.date.accessioned 2023-05-27T10:43:22Z
dc.date.available 2023-05-27T10:43:22Z
dc.date.issued 23-04-08
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.daffodilvarsity.edu.bd:8080/handle/123456789/10578
dc.description.abstract A genetically programmed condition called androgenetic alopecia results from an overactive androgen response. This disorder, which affects up to 50% of both sexes, is defined by the gradual loss of scalp's terminal hair at any point after puberty. Both in men and females, it is distributed in a distinctive way. While women's frontal hairlines are often spared from diffuse hair loss at the crown and top of the head, which is frequently identified by a broader center part, men have hair loss that is most noticeable in the vertex and frontotemporal areas. This exercise looks at whether to include this ailment on the differential diagnosis and how to evaluate for it. This exercise emphasizes the function of the multidisciplinary team in patient care. In this study found some demographic information where 58% male and 42% female are affected this kind problem .In this study I found around 60.5% people who are 25-30 years old that are firstly facing this problem. And the majority are affected because of their family history or gene problem. Among 205 participants, they were 67.8% student and 26.8% job holder had experienced hair falling problem in their life history. The majority are students who facing this problem but they can not know what the actual problem is. That’s why they use some medication without concern any doctor. In this study I found that 35.1% people who use medication and 64.9% can not use medication. But I found that day by day the hair falling problem increased and could not decrease this problem. They change their diet, hairstyle, use regular shampoo, dry hair etc. But could not see any changes of the problem. About 62% people who noticed that their hair falling increased day by day. About 45.9% people who are use medicine for a daily basis and 30.2% people are use medicine for weakly basic and only 9.3% who could not use any medication. In my case study about 23.9% people who blamed their occupation for this problem and 36.1% who can’t know, why this problem happened in their life. The majority of people who use biotin, they believe that it was helpful for their hair falling problem. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher Daffodil International University en_US
dc.subject Evaluation en_US
dc.subject Demographics en_US
dc.title The Prevalence of Hair Falling (Androgenic Alopecia) Among People in Randomly Selected Areas of Bangladesh en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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