Multiplanetary Life is an animated short film based on scientific hypothesis, The film is led by a narration which was narrated by American astronomer, planetary scientist, cosmologist, astrophysicist, astrobiologist, author, and science communicator CARL SEGAN. Throughout the whole film, A collection of many scenes can be seen, that represents many forms. Timelines and situation of human life. Such as, it shows how human species came from cave to today’s world in a cinematic way. It also shows human evolution that could be done in near future which are possible if we go ahead with a certain inspiration, effort and encouragement. Such as human being multiplanetary life and living in Mars, Human harvesting energy from the sun using Dyson sphere thesis or may be human travelling in lightyear speed.
A hypothesis states predictions about what research will find. It is a tentative answer to research questions that has not yet been tested. The purpose of this film is exactly the same. It represents visuals that may be occurred in future based on actual scientific research. It will be helpful and heartwarming content for people who are interested in space, human evolution and futuristic consequences. It also shows the actual visuals that scientifically correct but has not been seen yet.
The making of the film took around five months to complete. All stages of production have been thoroughly supervised, including pre-production, production, and postproduction. It highlights several significant aspects of the project's development, including conducting research on a different planet, managing a large number of polygons, optimizing 3D environment scenes, maintaining a seamless look, using unusual camera angles and a camera rig, utilizing cloud rendering, creating a unique sound design, maximizing monitor resolution, managing the entire project with free tools, and Personal production pipeline creation that can be very much helpful for individual artists.