Show simple item record Sanzida, Jahanara Afrin 2023-06-08T09:20:08Z 2023-06-08T09:20:08Z 23-05-08
dc.description.abstract In many regions of the world, outbreaks of the viral disease yellow fever continue to be a source of worry for public health. Yellow fever epidemics have continued and spread into new regions in recent years despite the widespread availability of an extremely effective vaccine, making many communities vulnerable. The epidemiology, transmission, as well as prevention of yellow fever are discussed in this review paper, with an emphasis on the value of immunization, vector control, efficient monitoring, and outbreak response tactics. The epidemiology of yellow fever is reviewed, along with the disease's global spread, modes of transmission, and at-risk populations. We investigate the different ways that yellow fever is spread, such as mosquito-borne dissemination and human-to-human transmission. The methods for avoiding and managing yellow fever are described, and the difficulties encountered in doing so are examined. A greater understanding of the etiology of yellow fever as well as the creation of fresh vaccines and treatments hold hope for the disease's prevention and treatment. We may work toward a future when yellow fever poses no threat to world health by continuing to expand on our existing understanding of the illness. Key words: Yellow fever virus, diagnosis, treatment etc. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher Daffodil International University en_US
dc.subject Fever virus en_US
dc.subject Treatment en_US
dc.subject Diagnosis en_US
dc.title Yellow Feve en_US
dc.title.alternative The Current Understanding of Epidemiology, Transmission, and Prevention en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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