Despite the development of potentially curable chemotherapy, tuberculosis (TB) keeps
increasing in global morbidity and is an important cause of human mortality in
underdeveloped countries. The goal of this study is to understand the numerous diagnostic
techniques employed for identifying tuberculosis (TB) and identify the elements that
contribute to the disease's development. A survey that was developed utilizing
questionaries’ was being distributed face-to-face. On the other side, 35% of respondents
stated they had no clear understanding of the tuberculosis sickness, while 65% of
respondents indicated they did. Findings of the study revealed that 57% of participants
believed bacterial infections to be the main causes of tuberculosis. The overwhelming
majority of participants (55%), who made up 41% of the sample, were informed that their
family member had not previously had tuberculosis. The majority of respondents (91%)
said that tuberculosis is totally treatable. The majority of respondents (39%) said that
persistent coughing is one of the main signs of tuberculosis. Chest pain and coughing up
blood were mentioned by 24% and 23% of participants, respectively, as symptoms of
tuberculosis. Pursuant to the poll, 49% of respondents said that the suggested therapy
period for tuberculosis is six weeks, 27% said three weeks, and 23% said twelve weeks.