This article offers an analytical study of how both Majeed from the novel of Lalsalu (1948) and Hossein Miya from Padma Nadir Majhi (1936) are representing the capitalist social system in Bengali literature. The study aims to examine the ways in which these characters embody and reflect the impact of capitalism on their lives, identities, and societal roles. Majeed is depicted as an extremist who uses religion to gain power and wealth, while Hossain Miya is a boatman who involves in illegal activities to improve his economic status. Through these characters, Bengali literature highlights the impact of capitalism on society and raises important questions about the ethics of economic systems. The thesis explores how the characters engage with the capitalist system, as well as their aspirations, struggles, and relationships within the context of the novels, drawing on literary analysis and socio-economic theories.
Keywords: Capitalism, extremism, women objectification, marginalization, exploitation.