This project focuses on the designing of a “Sustainable City farming” web solution. The project aimed to design a user-friendly platform that promotes eco-friendly gardening practices. Key features included hydroponic and aquaponic services, vertical farming techniques, hiring professional gardeners, plant disease checking, an e-commerce platform, bundle offers, login functionality, and user profiles.
The study explores the process of designing the web solution with a strong emphasis on user experience. It highlights the importance of understanding user needs and preferences in sustainable gardening practices. User research was conducted to gather valuable insights, and information architecture was carefully planned to ensure easy navigation and usability.
The project involved stages such as user research, information architecture, wireframing, visual design, and prototyping. Wireframing and prototyping were utilized to visualize and iterate on the user interface design. Attention was given to creating a visually appealing interface that aligns with sustainable gardening principles. Throughout the case study, testing and evaluation played a crucial role in ensuring a seamless user experience. Iterative improvements were made based on user feedback, allowing for continuous refinement of the web solution.
The case study concludes by discussing the project goal, Project success and experience of designing the sustainable gardening web solution. By prioritizing user experience, and considering sustainability principles, a website has been designed that looks good, works well, and helps people with things like hydroponics, aquaponics, vertical farming, hiring gardeners, checking plant diseases, buying gardening stuff, and more. The main goal was to give users a great experience and make sustainable gardening accessible to everyone.