First, I express my heartiest thanks and gratefulness to almighty for His divine blessing
makes it possible to complete the final year internship successfully.
I am really grateful and wish my profound indebtedness to Md. Harun Ar Rashid,
Assistant Professor, Department of Nutrition and Food Engineering, Daffodil
International University. Deep Knowledge & keen interest of our supervisor in the field of
“Field name” to carry out this project. His endless patience ,scholarly guidance, continual
encouragement, constant and energetic supervision, constructive criticism, valuable advice,
reading many inferior drafts and correcting them at all stages have made it possible to
complete this project.
I would like to express my heartiest gratitude to Dr. Nizam Uddin, Associate Professor
and Head, Department of Nutrition and Food Engineering, for his kind help to finish our
project and also to other faculty members and the staffs of the Department.
I would like to thank my entire course mate in Daffodil International University, who took
part in this discussion while completing the course work.
Finally, I must acknowledge with due respect the constant support and patients of my