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Brain Tumor Detection by Kapton Polyimide Based On-Body Patch Antenna in K Band

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dc.contributor.author Eshan, Sumit Hassan
dc.contributor.author Hasan, Raja Rashidul
dc.contributor.author Sarker, Abdullah Al Mamun
dc.contributor.author Zabin, Sadia
dc.contributor.author Tusher, Raja Tariqul Hasan
dc.contributor.author Rahman, Md. Abdur
dc.date.accessioned 2024-05-04T06:22:34Z
dc.date.available 2024-05-04T06:22:34Z
dc.date.issued 2023-03-21
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.daffodilvarsity.edu.bd:8080/handle/123456789/12231
dc.description.abstract This paper is all about to design an antenna for brain tumor detection using a novel material Kapton polyimide. A brain tumor, which has the potential to spread throughout the body and result in cancer, is one of the worst disorders. Using a novel material and observing variation in the S1,1 parameter to spot brain cancers is the main objective of this paper. An on-body microstrip patch antenna constructed in the K band and a three-size brain tumor in a brain phantom model were employed to identify the existence of brain tumor. This antenna can operate between 4 and 14 GHz. The resonance frequency of the proposed antenna was discovered to be 12.96 GHz in free space. A VSWR of 1.00 and −92.06 dB S1,1 was also measured in this area. S1,1 is −49.93 dB at 8.58 GHz in the Normal Brain and −40.51 dB at 11.87 GHz in the Tumor Affected Brain. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher IEEE en_US
dc.subject Brain tumor en_US
dc.subject Diseases en_US
dc.subject Deep learning en_US
dc.title Brain Tumor Detection by Kapton Polyimide Based On-Body Patch Antenna in K Band en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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