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High-Bandwidth, Low-Power CMOS Transistor Based CAB for Field Programmable Analog Array

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dc.contributor.author Obadi, Ameen Bin
dc.contributor.author Hussein, Alaa El-Din
dc.contributor.author Al-Bawri, Samir Salem
dc.contributor.author Hossain, Kabir
dc.contributor.author Abdulhameed, Abdullah
dc.contributor.author Jusoh, Muzammil
dc.contributor.author Sabapathy, Thennarasan
dc.contributor.author Al-Gburi, Ahmed Jamal Abdullah
dc.contributor.author Albreem, Mahmoud A.
dc.date.accessioned 2024-06-03T06:20:21Z
dc.date.available 2024-06-03T06:20:21Z
dc.date.issued 2023-01-15
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.daffodilvarsity.edu.bd:8080/handle/123456789/12619
dc.description.abstract This article presents an integrated current mode configurable analog block (CAB) system for field-programmable analog array (FPAA). The proposed architecture is based on the complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) transistor level design where MOSFET transistors operating in the saturation region are adopted. The proposed CAB architecture is designed to implement six of the widely used current mode operations in analog processing systems: addition, subtraction, integration, multiplication, division, and pass operation. The functionality of the proposed CAB is demonstrated through these six operations, where each operation is chosen based on the user’s selection in the CAB interface system. The architecture of the CAB system proposes an optimized way of designing and integrating only three functional cells with the interface circuitry to achieve the six operations. Furthermore, optimized programming and digital tuning circuitry are implemented in the architecture to control and interface with the functional cells. Moreover, these designed programming and tuning circuitries play an essential role in optimizing the performance of the proposed design. Simulation of the proposed CMOS Transistor Based CAB system is carried out using Tanner EDA Tools in 0.35 μm standard CMOS technology. The design uses a V power supply and results in maximum 3 dB bandwidth of 34.9 MHz and an approximate size of 0.0537 . This demonstrates the advantages of the design over the current state-of-the-art designs presented for comparison in this article. Consequently, the proposed design has a clear aspect of simplicity, low power consumption, and high bandwidth operation, which makes it a suitable candidate for mobile telecommunications applications. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher Tech Science Press en_US
dc.subject Transistor en_US
dc.subject Telecommunications en_US
dc.subject Technology en_US
dc.title High-Bandwidth, Low-Power CMOS Transistor Based CAB for Field Programmable Analog Array en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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