The online library management system is a significant development in the field of library
services that seeks to optimise and change conventional methods by incorporating
modern technologies. Essentially, the system aims to provide librarians with more power
by introducing automated recording, digitizing resource management procedures, and
optimizing operational workflows. Implementing intuitive user interfaces and
sophisticated search features is anticipated to improve librarians' overall effectiveness in
managing resources. At the same time, the system puts the needs of users first, providing
a smooth and customized interface for users to browse, borrow, and return materials. The
digital architecture of the system is positioned to lower operating expenses, save time
commitments, and greatly improve the caliber and usability of library services, all while
meeting the changing needs of the modern information environment. This online library
management system, with its combination of user-friendly features and efficient
operations, is a complete solution that is ready to redefine and modernize the functioning
of library services in the digital era. The electronic library management system allows
any student to check the stock quantity of the books they are looking for and find out if
they are not available on the website. It is so easy for librarians to manage the books.
Following the return and issue of the books, the stock will be automatically updated. If
students are still unable to find the book they want through searching, they can still
submit a stock request to have the book added to the inventory. The librarian can let the
students know by sending them messages once the book stock has been restocked with
new books. A librarian can easily and successfully add, view, update, and remove books
from the collection. Librarians have the authority to activate and deactivate student
accounts in order to create a system that is well-organized and under control.