Low-frequency non-ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) emanates from antennas in Mobile Base Stations (MBS). There is a general concern that living close to a Mobile Base Station (MBS) could be associated with health effects such as headache, sleep disorder, and fatigue. Using a High-Frequency Spectrum Analyzer (HF-2025E) coupled with its hyper-log antenna (HL-7025) and a set of questionnaires, this work assessed radiated power on human body surface from eleven (11) MBSs located in Lafia, Nasarawa State, and knowledge of residents on EMR from MBSs. The result shows that mobile operators’ frequencies in the 900MHz band were found to be dominant. The minimum power density was 0.02 μWm ⁻² and the maximum power density was 927.97 μWm ⁻² in the 900 MHz bands. The maximum average absorbed radiated power was 297.77 μW on an adult male body surface area. These maximum values are below the ICNIRP standard of 4.5 Wm ⁻² ; concerns however, are on prolonged exposure whose value may exceed the ICNIRP limit. Results from the questionnaire show an average level (53% and 51%) of awareness of EMR from respondents living close to the MBSs and their safety issues. This paper recommends more public awareness of issues relating to EMR from MBSs.