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Purchase Spillovers from the Metaverse to the Real World: The Roles of Social Presence, Trialability, and Customer Experience

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dc.contributor.author Mansoor, Shafayet
dc.contributor.author Rahman, Syed Mahmudur
dc.contributor.author Bowden, Jana Lay-Hwa
dc.date.accessioned 2024-12-26T04:06:44Z
dc.date.available 2024-12-26T04:06:44Z
dc.date.issued 2024-04-19
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.daffodilvarsity.edu.bd:8080/handle/123456789/13668
dc.description.abstract The promise of the metaverse as a collective, virtual, and shared social space is revolutionizing digital retail. This study provides groundbreaking insights into customer experience in immersive metaverse environments, as well as into how these experiences on metaverse platforms influence customers' real-world consumption behaviors. Drawing upon data from metaverse platform users in the US, this study identifies the specific antecedents of a positive customer experience on metaverse platforms, including the role of social presence and trialability. Further, it demonstrates the potential for purchase spillovers from the metaverse to traditional retail channels, extending the omnichannel retail literature. In addition, it examines how early-stage versus long-term users of the metaverse shape users' intentions to revisit metaverse platforms. Based on our results, we offer a comprehensive model of customers' metaverse behaviors, which may be used to predict and enhance customers' purchase intentions across channels. Our results also demonstrate that the metaverse is not merely a parallel digital retail channel but instead an influential extension of the customers' real-world consumption. From a managerial perspective, we offer metaverse operators and retail brand managers insights into how an engaging and immersive customer experience in the metaverse can be developed to support metaverse platform growth, and targeted brand strategies that translate into real-world gain for both the brand and the customer. The findings suggest that metaverse platforms must deliver customer experiences at a very high level to prevent stagnation in metaverse usage intentions; therefore, managers can confidently continue investing in relevant strategies to fuel metaverse platform growth. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher John Wiley & Sons Ltd en_US
dc.subject Metaverse en_US
dc.subject Metaverse environments en_US
dc.title Purchase Spillovers from the Metaverse to the Real World: The Roles of Social Presence, Trialability, and Customer Experience en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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