Now a days, the increasing demand of electric power and shortage of present energy resources lead today’s engineers and scientists to think about the alternative sources of energy. The sunlight is a potential source for producing electric power. In recent years, this solar system gains its popularity more and more. In home system applications, the use of solar energy is also attractive. Moreover, solar home systems require very little maintenance and need no fuel. Other advantages of a PV system are reliable power, free source of power, flexibility and quick installation. For socio-economic development a reliable, affordable and secure supply of energy is significant. The following research paper is based on analyzing the solar irradiation pattern of Bangladesh for electricity generation. Irradiation and power are discussed with their optimum capacity. Power is one of the most important factors in developing country and for sustainable economy. Like the rest of the countries of the planet, in Bangladesh the demand for power is increasing day by day. The main aim of our research is to find out the irradiation of sun in Dhaka city in the month of May and June so that the power production by the solar panel can be estimated and, we collect the solar irradiation and the maximum power data in Dhaka for (May & June) two months and analyze the data to get average irradiation and find the relationship between solar irradiation and power and by using this data we can easily understand the electricity production by solar home system and create a standard form of power production of solar home system in 2018.