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Daily headlines make everyone aware of the dangerous long-term effects of power generation from the fossil fuels. It is widely believed that continuing to depend on fossil fuels to generate electricity can cause serious environmental problems. We also know that non-renewable energy come from a finite resource so it doesn’t continuously flow of energy. That’s why renewable energy is one of the way for solve this problem. Solar energy is the best option of renewable energy. Solar energy is one of the most popular form of renewable energy in BD. The use of solar panel is increasing rapidly all over the world. Fortunately, the location of Bangladesh is quite suitable for harnessing solar energy. However, large area is still uncovered either by grid electricity or by electricity generated from renewable sources. In the off grid areas of Bangladesh, solar home system (SHS) is getting popular day by day due to its Declining price and due to favorable financial packages offered through Infrastructure Development Company Ltd. (IDCOL). A solar rooftop system, is a photovoltaic system that has its electricitygenerating solar panels mounted on the rooftop of a residential or commercial building or structure. In our thesis we work over presence performance of SRS. We try to show the presence Circumstance of SRS in percentage, consumer opinion, data analysis & calculation of cost per unit. Most of the interviewed people do not either maintain the system or want to repair it. It is very unfortunate that most of the systems were found inactive or not connected in a proper way. Although urban people are more likely to know the efficient use of solar energy, they still prefer fossil fuels for their power generation so we provide some recommendation in our survey for increasing the SRS as like as net metering system, increasing consumer awareness, provide training for how to maintenance, provide lone for install the SRS. All those recommendation for the achievement of sustainable growth in the production of solar rooftop energy. |
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