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Digital Marketing

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dc.contributor.author Sheraz, Raad
dc.date.accessioned 2019-06-22T07:35:08Z
dc.date.available 2019-06-22T07:35:08Z
dc.date.issued 2018-12-23
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2407
dc.description.abstract As part fulfillment of my BSC degree I chose this topic because it covers the overall information technology and marketing area of different types of business and system. If I would do my internship who has only one brand then I would have experience in only one brand but in Prochito IMC ltd. I have worked on several brands. As a student of Software Engineering, my assigned task helped me a lot to understand the software tools , marketing concepts, planning and strategies to work in an IMC company. Prochito does a lot of work before submitting a final work to the clients and their role of doing marketing for their clients is vast. The IMC tools are really important and they are the expertise who knows the best use of it. Learning the activities of digital marketing strategist gave me the pleasure and satisfaction. IMC for brand communication are also effective because a brand should be known to all at first and the major role plays an Ad agency to communicate the brand with the customers in an effective way. The role of an ad agency is a very big for marketing a product with a concept to the customers. The overall approach of this report is a descriptive one as it goes into the depth of the role of an ad agency and the processes that they follow to do marketing. Several projects like Oh t-shirt campaign, Visualizing ad of Asian Duplex Town was a different experience for me because I have learned few new things like how to build the concepts, doing the strategic plan. This things will help me in my future job as well. During my internship period while I was preparing this report face some problems like too much work pressure, multiple tasks etc. but though I have learned so many things that is described in the lessons of the chapter. The findings of this report also shows some Organization related problems like time related problems, meeting related problems, payment problem, system analysis and design problem , online tool problem , performance measurement problems are also given. Some recommendations has been added at the end of the report. I hope this will be helpful for them. en_US
dc.language.iso en_US en_US
dc.publisher Daffodil International University en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseries ;P13001
dc.subject Business and System en_US
dc.subject Information technology en_US
dc.title Digital Marketing en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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