The main purpose of the “Automated Vehicles Speed Control System” is to make a
better solution to reduce traffic jam and road accident. Every year, we find more and
more road accidents due to increased traffic on the roads. Nowadays people are driving
very fast accidents are occurring frequently, we lost our valuable life by making small
mistake while driving. Driver are not to follow the traffic rule, road speed limit they
want to drive fast and want to overtake other. By using this system we can effectively
controls the speed of the vehicle in different zones. Our system automatically detect the
road speed limit and then lock the vehicles speed that are same as road speed limit so
that driver are not to increase the speed. To develop this system we use Arduino Board
Mega (2850), HC-0 Bluetooth Module, L298 Motor Driver, IR Sensor, SIM800L, Gear
Motors, Arduino Board Nano. After implementation of all functions, the system is
tested in different stages and it works successfully as a prototype.