Bangladesh is a developing country. Where lifestyle is much more improving and the mills and factories are growing not accordingly but in a great number. We need electric energy like our daily food. Overwhelming increasing number of office, apartments, mills, factories, schools, colleges and universities needs more and more electric energy. Besides, electricity demands are uprising day by day. To meet up the increasing demand we need to generate huge amount of electricity and there is only way to face this challenge either we increase the number of Power Plant in our country or fully renovate the old Power Plant in operation. On the other hand, increasing the number of power plant will surely redeemed the scarcity of the electric energy but may be it would become the hardest thing for the common people. By calculating the efficiency and economic statement a tariff should be imposed which will may remove the hardness of common people. In the meantime APSCL is the biggest Power Plant in the country in the generation of electric energy according to the other generation company in Bangladesh so far. Its’ installed capacity is 1875 MW which is fully functional and more capacity will be installed soon. In this theses we will know from Generation to Distribution and Instruments they uses. We
can also know how it is transferred and where it is transferred. This will lead us to know better about power plant generation. And also know the economic and environmental aspects of APSCL production Process.