This project entitled “Book Sharing” is a web based application to exchange book with other.
The Book of Life is the 'brain' of The School of Life, a gathering of the best ideas around
wisdom and emotional intelligence. Marcus Tullius Cicero said “A room without books is like
a body without a soul”. Book Sharing is the practice of a swap of books between one person
and another. Practiced among book groups, friends and colleagues at work, it provides an
inexpensive way for people to exchange books, find out about new books and obtain a new
book to read without having to pay. Because swaps occur between individuals, without central
distribution or warehousing, and without the copyright owner making a profit. In this era of
internet everyone is connected virtually with each other. So we can exchange book with
a web site. With this thought we made this project of Book sharing. Here a user can fide
book, share book with other. He can exchange book with other user books. He can add his
exchangeable book with picture. They can communicate with other by user profile address.
It save money. It can build our relation and other. It will make each books lovers house a
library accessible to all of our users.
We used Laravel 5.6 (PHP framework), HTML 5, CSS 3, Advanced CSS3, and Bootstrap for
this website. We also used Client side scripting language: JavaScript to make it more user