Newspaper industries alone used to cover and share information before the
arrival of television and radio . According to Lunden, newspaper industry more
specifically has been with us for about“300 years. But technological revolution
brought tremendous drastic changes in the media sector which opened up new
dimensions in the arena of journalism. The latest revolution in journalism came
with the emergence of Internet. Internet gave journalism a new shape for its both
readers and writers. It created a news concept named 'online journalism'. . Online
journalism has its own principles and characteristics. I have done my internship as
an online sub-editor in the online section of The Daily Manobkantha . There I
experienced just how fast has the world of journalism become and also the
difference among online journalism, print, television and radio journalism. An
online journalist must be well-skilled in multitasking, must be a fast thinker . All
my works were published under the byline 'online desk' but the initial of my name
Yasin Arafat.