Banking sector is expanding its hand in distinctive occasion every day. In the main time the
banking process is winding up quicker, easier, and the managing account region getting to be
more extensive. As the demand for better service increases day by day, they are accompanying
diverse creative through and items. With the end goal to get by in the focused field of the
managing an account segment, all keeping money association are searching for better
administration chance to give their kindred customers. Subsequently, It has turned out to be
fundamental for each individual to have some though on the bank and saving money method.
Southeast Bank Limited trusted in the vision of together, towards, tomorrow. To accomplish the
longing objective the bank is demonstrating the perfection at all phases with an atmosphere of
consistent enhancement. Bank vital plans and systems administration will reinforce its aggressive
execution over others in this quickly changing focused condition. The overall objective this study
is to represent the foreign exchange performance of import, export and foreign remittance of
Southeast Bank Limited.
In chapter one initial words, starting point, scope, impediments and methodology and technique
of the study has been talk about. Chapter two covered the historical background, organizational
structure mission, vision, objective, commitment of clients, organizational hierarchy and general
banking of Southeast Bank Limited. Section three contains the theoretical discussion about
foreign exchange activities and functions. The most significant part is chapter four, here
discussed about foreign exchange procedure, L/C application forms, mechanism of L/C and
foreign remittance. And in chapter five discuss about the performance evaluation of some years.
At last section five is done with some findings and conceivable recommendation and finishing up
comment of the study.