The aim of my research work was to “study of the effects of padding pressure on pigment
dyeing of cotton woven fabric”. This study makes an assessment on the effect of Padding
machines Pressure on Woven Fabric. To continue this process work we have taken nine
samples of a woven fabric. At first we have done the all of mixing process and then for
dyeing we have used padding machine. Then we see all the procedure of padding
machine what actually happen in this machine during fabric treatment or finishing. To
perform this work standard procedure was followed. After critical analysis, we have
found that the changes of fabric quality after dyeing of different pressure. The project is
mainly focused on the effect of different pressure of padding machine on the pigment
dyeing process of cotton woven fabric. The aim of the work was to measure the GSM,
EPI, PPI, Color change to wash, Staining change to wash, Rubbing property of finished
fabric (dry and wet).In the experimental details we put some chemical name and their
function. Here we put our sample specification. Our sample was 100% cotton woven
plain fabric sample. In the discussion of result we describe that we gained in this thesis by
some graph. The following graphs are describing the result of thesis. In the last, in
appendix we put some tables where we described our Wash fastness to color wash
fastness to staining, rubbing fastness at dry sample rubbing fastness at wet sample, GSM
before and after dyeing, EPI before and after dyeing and PPI before and after dyeing is
described in details. By this experiment we gain knowledge such as when the pressure of
padding machine is increased in the time of dyeing the GSM, EPI, PPI is decreased. We
know that the rubbing fastness of pigment dyeing fabric is very bad that’s why the result
of rubbing fastness report is very low in our experiment. Like in the time of 1 Mpa
pressure the rubbing fastness is 1 out of 5.