Now a days Animated series becoming popular among all types of people. Today it takes an important place in the job sector. Where internationally the popularity increases day by day. In 3d sector, the working pipeline divided the work from sketching to final output. In the meantime, it divided into Modelling. Unwrapping, Texturing, Rendering, Animation, Simulation, Dynamics etc. Where Texturing plays an important role in CGI industry. Without advanced texturing a super beautiful model could not express itself. The purpose to choose this project, as my interested sector is 3D and to give the realistic feel of 3d either I have to modelling details which make high polygons and hard to cope up with work. Nor can assign advanced texturing which easy to work and low polygon-based object. In the project, how Character grow and build up the texture, the working pipeline will show details about the 3d generation and differentiate between the software’s. The final outcome of this project is polished 3D character with different texturing appearance created by two/ three 3d software has been examined keeping relevant variables unchanged. It is found that the quality of texturing varies with respect to selection of different 3d software. The findings may assist 3d Modelers for choosing a 3d software for using texturing as per their needs. This project will create further opportunity to investigate texture mapping, normal mapping, shaders UV map unwrap, and bump map using different 3d software’s. Autodesk 3ds max and Auto desk Maya used for Modelling, Substance painter and Auto desk 3ds max used for Texturing. Auto desk 3ds max used for final rendering.