Cassava (Manihot esculenta) Hot-climate is a complex crop that also increases in the
cooler regions of the Highland Tropics and Thriptics, where the yield decreases. In all
cultures, compared to warm-climatic sites, light-synthesis of cold-climatic cassava has
Knowing the nearest majority of sweet potato is important because Bangladesh is a
developing country. Here are the nutritious subjects of the rural areas especially in rural
areas. Cassava potato so the poor people in rural areas can afford it. So it is important
to know the elements of cassava woody plant potato nutrients.
This study uses oil fried cassava chips MCSTD method. Solar drying method is used
for storage. Because raw fresh potatoes may be affected by the microbes, which can
reduce the storage life.
But the researchers said that the dry potato MCSTD can be preserved for several years
if it is properly preserved. Proximate analysis was made from dried sweet potato
moisture, ash, protein, fat. Protein kjeldahl method is used to calculate the total estimate
of the product. And fat is estimated to be used for the method of Soxhlet. Moisture
content used by oven method.