Show simple item record Paik, Shovan Rahman, Habibur 2020-03-08T14:51:37Z 2020-03-08T14:51:37Z 2019-09-12
dc.description.abstract The appropriate and successful integration of technologies into learning environment over the previous ten years period has left great gab between the amount of technology available and the support for teachers. Teachers have helped us use it and how can we get online education more widely. The Smart learning process aimed to creating an educational collaboration environment between student and teachers which include acquiring more skills, experiences, attitudes, and teaching strategies and others. We can take any kind of education related CSE that help a student a lot. It is also a good platform for teachers to share their experience here. In most cases, present lifestyle of mankind are legitimately digital and automated that people want to find anything faster and easier than before it was, where internet has sweeping impact for human race. So in this case this application help to faster in education system. Our application Smart Learning is very user friendly. We used java language, firebase storage, and many libraries. At the finishing, we did a white and black box testing which was very much important and we have achieved success. We believe the Smart learning will increase positive communications and interaction between educators and it will form an integrated information management system for the learning and teaching processes. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Daffodil International University en_US
dc.subject Learning process en_US
dc.subject Programming language en_US
dc.title Smart Learning en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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