DSpace Repository

DEPARTMENT of Information and Communication Engineering

DEPARTMENT of Information and Communication Engineering


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Recent Submissions

  • Raha, Rabeya Tasnin (Daffodil International University, 2023-10-08)
    One of the most common and deadly types of cancer that affects women globally is breast cancer. Accurate diagnosis and early detection are essential for enhancing patient outcomes. Recent developments in deep learning and ...
  • Rahman, Toufiqur (Daffodil International University, 2023-08-12)
    As a fresher network support engineer, Network management is a very challenging career. In telecommunication network management, Network engineers face the challenge of designing a whole network with layer, timely ...
  • Hossain, Kazi Imran; Khan, Neamul Kabir (Daffodil International University, 2023-09-29)
    The Multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) systems are becoming increasingly important in modern wireless communication due to their capacity to increase data speeds and enhance reliability. Using the Transmit Antenna ...
  • Sanjida, Rifa (Daffodil International University, 23-06-05)
    This report is based on my accumulated experience leading a teaching-focused class. In addition to chairing some classes, I noticed that three other classes found efficiencies and difficulties while other teachers joined ...
  • Akter, Tanha (Daffodil International University, 23-06-05)
    The purpose of the study is to investigate learners' attitudes toward Bangladeshi YouTube content for learning English. This study uses a quantitative descriptive method. The participants of the study were 82 students ...
  • Khan, Navid Haider (Daffodil International University, 23-06-05)
    The internship report shows my experience as an English Teacher at Abdul Gofur Academy, Jashore. I have selected and taken some classes to better understand myself and to help my students understand. I like to share my ...
  • Mazumder, Md. Shahadat Hossain (Daffodil International University, 23-06-05)
    One of the crucial initiatives that promotes sustainable development in Bangladesh is to create a compact energy system using solar, hydro, and wind power. The availability of electricity is very limited to rural areas. ...
  • Bhuiyan, Easin (Daffodil International University, 23-01-18)
    One of the most crucial pieces of equipment in the network of the power system is the transformer of the substation. Data collecting, condition monitoring, and automated regulating are significant difficulties in power ...
  • Bhuian, Md. Rafid; Ankon, Mehedi Mahmud; Upoma, Most. Yeamin Tasnim (Daffodil International University, 22-11-23)
    High speed internet connectivity is one of the requirements of every home and every office. Now-a-days every home and office has also the requirement for high regulation cable television (HDTV) and Voice over Internet ...
  • Begum, Amena (Daffodil International University, 22-12-23)
    A Radio Access Network (RAN) is the major part of a mobile telecommunication system. In a RAN, radio sites provide radio access and coordinate management of resources across the radio sites. This Radio Access Network ...
  • Sultana, Rakiba (Daffodil International University, 22-12-08)
    A cellular network is a mobile network that uses a large number of base stations with limited power to provide services, each covering only a limited area or cell. Limited power allows the same frequency of multiple cells ...
  • Sajal, Rezwan Maruf (Daffodil International University, 22-10-01)
    "Empirical Study on Network Configuration and Monitoring Using MikroTik Router at Daffodil Online Ltd. (DOL)" is the topic of this study. This type of wireless network allows a network administrator to gain control over ...
  • Prodhania, Muhammad Rakib; Chowdhury, Md Emon; Shah, Md Nayeem (Daffodil International University, 22-08-01)
    In this report, statistical and salient features have been extracted for acoustic signals in medical and educational applications. In recent 2 to 3 years, the whole world has witnessed a lockdown in the COVID-19 situation. ...
  • Rahman, Siddiqur (Daffodil International University, 2021-07-08)
    It is mandatory to do an internship for the final year students to complete the undergraduate program. To fulfill that requirement, I have joined the Marketing Division, Brand, Creinse Limited, Head Office as an intern. ...
  • Abu Zubair, Shah; Islam, Md. Hasibul (Daffodil International University, 2020-04)
    This thesis is on “Life Cycle Cost Assessment” (Gas-based power plant). We have selected a power plant named Summit 35 MW Gas-Based power plant. To calculate or estimate unit generation cost. Financial and technical data ...
  • Tasin, Md. Sami Al Jaber; Hossain, Md. Tuzammal (Daffodil International University, 2020-04)
    In an industry close to green power generation and minimizing power loss, power performance is more important than ever in the Wi-Fi community. Basic elements of community research and design. The 5G community is expected ...
  • Ahmad, Md. Toukir; Rayhan, Topu (Daffodil International University, 2019-12)
    You start with a review while in the understand regarding interaction techniques and even slideshow of your primary theory, the book slowly but surely takes up regarding NodeMCU mobile technologies web link in this for ...
  • Osman, Shamim (Daffodil International University, 2021-08-02)
    In this research solar cell efficiency has been increased by swapping several type of cell materials with different thickness and materials behaviour has been observed by analyzing consumption of photon by the semiconducting ...
  • Arafath, Dewan; Faisal, Eleas Nobi; Rahaman, Samiha (Daffodil International University, 2021-01)
    EFFECTS OF COVID-19 ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATION: GLOBAL ASPECT” in this thesis the outbreak of COVID-19 which has changed the whole scenario in the entire world including the communication systems has been discussed. ...
  • Shahriar, Rasel; Fahim, Kazi; Nayem, Jannatun (Daffodil International University, 2021-05)
    All the innovation of communication technology happened just after Michael Faraday's invention of electricity, which lists to the invention of the AC, Fan, Computer, tv, radio, radar, mobile, satellite etc. Devices are ...

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