In recent years’ banks have diversified their services by creating new subsidiaries that perform
additional services or by merging with other types of financial institutions. National Bank Ltd.
was established as a banking company. There are different types of activities involved in the
banks. A bank collects money from the people through some special types of products and all the
collected money invests in the different sectors at higher interest rates. This investment process
is dealt in the loan and advance departments of National Bank Limited. As an intern in National
Bank, this internship report has been prepared. This report aims toward providing an overview
on the general banking system of National Bank Limited. While preparing this report it has been
tried to reveal the insights of the general banking system of the bank. While discussing the
different aspects of general banking activities of the bank, priority has been given to depict the
real situation in National Bank Limited are concerned by employing the experience gathered
during the internship program. It is focused some theoretical aspect of the general banking in this
report. From the analysis of the findings during internship period a few recommendations were
also prescribed in this report. Analysis on the findings is basically done to sort out the major
aspects of the general banking systems and to draw some significant inferences. This report will
provide the critical aspect of the general banking of the National Bank Limited.