Banking service in Bangladesh is defined as a highly competitive and much regulated area. With a good number of banks already in service and a few more in the under process, the market is becoming increasing day by the day.
it is necessary to know why I completed my internship program and presented a summary of the public of Janata Bank Limited.
Here I tried to show on the banks history of JBL, its mission and vision, major section and
department, business unit, major products & services and financial statement.
After Janata Bank Limited's "Credit Risk Management", I finally got some results from customer satisfaction analysis. Then I give some recommendations to conclude my report.
Janata Bank Limited will have to follow closely by following the way to use the
loan progress and borrowing funds. Thus, Janata Bank Limited's credit rating system is a very long process to stop Janet Bank Limited's credit rating. The response of the respective circular of the Bangladesh Bank has been amended from time to time. Janata Bank Limited's overall credit activity is made up of Corporate Credit Department and Credit Administration. Janata Bank Limited's credit management system is less or effective as a recovery status of classified debt.