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Cash Management System of Unihouse Limited

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dc.contributor.author Sarker, Md. Abu Taher
dc.date.accessioned 2020-09-15T05:03:08Z
dc.date.available 2020-09-15T05:03:08Z
dc.date.issued 2019-04-15
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.daffodilvarsity.edu.bd:8080/handle/123456789/4289
dc.description This report stresses and illustrates on " Cash Management System of Unihouse Limited". Money Management contains a progression of exercises went for proficiently taking care of the inflow and surge of money. This includes transcendently redirecting money from where it is required. To put it another way, money the board is to advance money streams, parities and ventures. In this specific circumstance, money may allude to trade out the type of cash, or different reciprocals, for example, checks, drafts, stores, and so forth. While organizations may hold different resources that can possibly be changed over to money, money the board manages fluid money the executives and close money resources, for example, attractive securities and time stores that can without much of a stretch be changed over into money. For three primary reasons, exchange, safeguard and speculation are essential to organizations. The part of money the board is accounts reconciliation, money concentration, monetary hazard the executives and liquidity the board. The organization keeps up financial balances through Depots claimed by Unihouse in all urban communities. Checks/drafts got from clients in close-by locations are sent to gather assets in these ledgers for neighborhood clearing. This decreased the normal accumulation time frame, therefore expanding the speed of money inflows. In this manner, reserves gathered in the stop towns are exchanged to the head office or corporate financial balances of the organization consistently. The organization has a "clearing game plan" with the bank at the head office that automatically applies any of the assets exchanged from the stop towns to settle the bank's money credit advance and diminish its charge balance. These means brought about the organization's expense of enthusiasm being decreased and controlled. The organization puts the equivalent in transient ventures or instruments, for example, Mutual Funds and Govt when the organization has surplus assets. Securities. en_US
dc.description.abstract Cash management incorporates a progression of exercises went for overseeing cash inflow and outpouring effectively. This includes overwhelmingly occupying cash from where it is required. To put it another way, cash management is to enhance cash streams, parities and ventures. In this specific situation, cash may allude to cash as money, or different counterparts, for example, checks, drafts, stores, and so forth. While associations may hold different resources that can possibly be changed over to cash, cash management manages fluid cash management and close cash resources, for example, attractive securities and time stores that can without much of a stretch be changed over into cash. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Daffodil International University en_US
dc.subject Management en_US
dc.subject Cash Management en_US
dc.title Cash Management System of Unihouse Limited en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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