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Green Cloud Computing: A New Approach to Reduce Energy Consumption in Cloud Data Center

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dc.contributor.author Khan, Md. Asif Hossain
dc.contributor.author Khan, Md. Anhar Hossain
dc.contributor.author Akther, Ranu
dc.date.accessioned 2020-10-06T07:26:28Z
dc.date.available 2020-10-06T07:26:28Z
dc.date.issued 2019-12-06
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.daffodilvarsity.edu.bd:8080/handle/123456789/4583
dc.description This is the era of modern science and technology. Cloud data center are one of the great inventions of modern science and technology for storing data and keep them in a secure place and also access them anytime from anywhere. In today’s world use of data centers are increasing day by day and in future it will increase more. The main problem regarding data centers is the energy consumption. Because data center needs lots of energy as it has to be turned on all day long. For the source of energy most of the data center around the world are using coal, fossil fuel or oil power plant for maintaining their needs of energy. But the problem is, this methods of producing energy also produce harmful elements to our environment such as CO2 which is causing serious problem to our environment. Because in today’s world climate change is a common problem and for that, every country have to face serious natural disaster every year and one of the biggest reasons of this problem is, increasing huge amount of CO2 in our environment. we need to take necessary steps so that we could reduce the amount of CO2 production in our environment as soon as possible. If we do not do that, then it will pause a big question mark on the existence of the human being. In a data center energy needed for various reason such as powering up the computers, cooling the machineries, operating the systems etc. It is not possible to measure exact amount of energy that is needed for a data center because it depends on different factors such as load capacity, size of data center, processing of data etc. Now a days, it has become very important to reduce the amount of energy consumed by the data centers using various methods and also how to make more and more green energy so that our environment does not get affected by the harmful elements. en_US
dc.description.abstract In today’s world cloud computing is most useful for every person who want to keep their data in a safe place and also want to access them from anywhere around the world .But the problem is data center needs huge amount of energy to run the server, for that reason huge amount of CO2 get produced by the Data centers. If we let this thing happen continuously then our world will face great disasters for climate changing. So, in this paper we proposed, how we could make green energy for reducing the amount of CO2 from the environment and the amount of energy consumption in the cloud data server. For reducing the amount of CO2, we proposed hybrid power plant that will significantly reduce the production of CO2. And for reducing the energy consumption in the data centers we use an Algorithm which will compress the original file and reduce the size of it .This reduction in file size will help us to process them in shorter period of time as a result, energy consumption will be reduced automatically because energy consumption is equivalent to the time period we use the device. Other methods like Virtual machine migration is also used in our proposed method. And for load balancing we used various Algorithm to compare them which one is best for reducing the energy consumption in the data centers. So, all of this method will help us to reduce the production of CO2 and also the energy consumption in the data centers. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Daffodil International University en_US
dc.subject Cloud Computing en_US
dc.subject Energy Consumption en_US
dc.subject Information Services en_US
dc.title Green Cloud Computing: A New Approach to Reduce Energy Consumption in Cloud Data Center en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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