In today’s world of volatile economy, buying house plays significant role. The economy of
Bangladesh is also strongly influenced by the garments sector. So garments must need the
competent and skilled employees and other modern facility to cope with the new challenges of
globalization .Knowledge has no boundary. This report is a mixture of both theoretical and
applied experience. Sometimes only the abstract knowledge is not enough to create career in real
world. Practice knowledge is the most important stage of education; it helps a learner to mature
ones theoretical idea and be prepared for the application of theoretical knowledge in the real life
phenomena. We are given a concrete theoretical base so as to face the problems effectively &
efficiently that come into our life. As per requirement of MBA, majoring Finance, each student
have to prepare a report to distinctive subject provided by the supervising professor under
internship initiative. In different way this study has a personal journey to the root of my
educational discipline which has a great role in the present struggle world and I am able to
highlight my experience approximately that I learned from my job. In this report, The Finance
& Commercial Operation of Sewing Thread Manufacturing Company (Performed at A&E
Bangladesh Ltd.) mentioned sequentially and tried to find out the positive and negative sides of
the operational activities and finally included the supportive recommendation for the buying
house that can help to take faster decision in near future. Finally this report must provide the
necessary information that can help us to ensure real practice of first growing buying house
activities in our country. In fact, Internship program is a practical course that teaches students
how to develop and implement their hidden abilities in the personal life and job-oriented sector.
However, I believe this report will show about my effort, which I had in preparing this report. I
take all responsibilities for any error of commission or omission.