One of the key contributors in the economy of developing countries is Commercial Banks.
They take action as financial intermediaries by performing the purpose of mobilizing the
money from one party and lending the same to a different as making a sensible amount of
income. People and the government itself are very much reliant on the services provided by the variety of banks in the financial market.
Export Import of Bangladesh Limited (EXIM Bank Limited) has started its journey as a
private commercial bank on August 3, 1999. The entire operational process of Mouchak
Branch, EXIM BANK Ltd. is alienated into 3 sections. They are 1) General Banking, 2)
Credit and 3) Foreign Exchange. I have tried to make recognizable with the all three sections to obtain practical knowledge.
The preliminary point of all the banking operations is General Banking. This department
offers daily services for the clients. It contains new accounts, issue bank drafts and pay orders etc. make available customer from side to side quick and genuine service. From different viewpoint, deposits are collected by the Islamic Bank. The bank provides the depositors the rate of profit they earn from their operation. At this point the bank goes with the customer a category of business relationship. In the report, a variety of kind Investment categories under Islamic policy are also included. The customer who provides effective hard work, energy and time to obtain profit, Bank invests the deposit amount to them. Here bank acts as a Shahib AL Mal and client ac as a Mudarib. Foreign Exchange department is being played important roles through giving dissimilar services for the customers. The key part of Foreign Exchange business is L/C.
SME Banking judges social issues with environmental features. It has previously started
working fine in the dissimilar countries. Basically, SME Banking stays away from as much
paper work as possible and relies on electronic dealings for dispensation. SME Banks adoptand put into practice environmental principles for lending.