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Overview of Sgwicus (BD) Ltd and Eectrical Distribution

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dc.contributor.author Ahmed, Rasel
dc.date.accessioned 2020-10-19T09:35:18Z
dc.date.available 2020-10-19T09:35:18Z
dc.date.issued 2019-12-10
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.daffodilvarsity.edu.bd:8080/handle/123456789/4758
dc.description A power station additionally alluded to as a power plant or powerhouse and in some cases producing station or creating plant is a modern office for the age of electric power. Most power stations contain at least one generators, a pivoting machine that changes over mechanical power into electric power. The relative movement between an attractive field and a transmitter makes an electrical flow. The vitality source saddled to turn the generator differs broadly. Most power stations on the planet consume petroleum derivatives, for example, coal, oil, and flammable gas to create power. Others utilize atomic power, however there is expanding utilization of cleaner sources, for example, sunlight based, wind, wave and hydroelectric. en_US
dc.description.abstract This chapter is going to regarding an industrial power system and Installation. In here I will show the power generating system and also will be explained how to work in various components and devices with a good distribution system and also a single line diagram. More important things are here, you can learn some idle principle form these informative books which are collected from various Electrical standard books like how to install and what is the requirement of the installation and how to make a single line diagram. For clarification and your better understanding herewith dropped some reference books such as BNBC, NEC and you have to follow so more which book will help to make an Electrical Engineer. The power sector is an important part of a developing country. For industrial and economic development the power sector should be given top priority. Our country is trying to develop the power sector and increase the generation capability day by day and the most important part here is a single line diagram. In the present day, we can't think a day without control. Bit by bit the enthusiasm for control is extending yet the period of power isn't growing such an extraordinary sum in Bangladesh. Like the same way we know, Bangladesh is a lead country for the garments to the other country and the entire person has good know that the garments factory needs a power station and in this chapter, I will explain about this power station, installation with single line diagram. I did my internship at a privet industrial company which is staying at Dhaka EPZ. For my better learning, I have visited mores industrial factory and I have seen different types of the power plant and so much installation with proper SLD. My training duration was of 45days. Hence I have visited more than one power plant and achieved a clear idea about power generation, control and maintenance processes. This report consists of a brief description of these processes, visits to the different power plants and the knowledge of various type experiences regarding different types of power stations with SLD. All of these steps will be described in my report. The single-line diagram is the blueprint for electrical systems and analysis. It is the beginning step in preparing a critical response plan, accepting you to become thoroughly familiar with the electrical distribution system layout and design in your facility system. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Daffodil International University en_US
dc.subject Distributed Generation of Electric Power en_US
dc.subject Power Plants en_US
dc.title Overview of Sgwicus (BD) Ltd and Eectrical Distribution en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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