The merchandising department is an important part of the export oriented business. It increases the
opportunity development in garments sector. On the other hand it helps the unemployed people as well
as the government to removed unemployment problem and also plays an important role in the
economic development of the country.
Unimas Sportswear Limited has large number of employees but the productivity is getting slow day by
day. So it is a matter of concern that why this huge industry is doing less profit. In the whole procedure
of exporting garments to retailer of abroad and communicate with them, merchandisers have a great
influence and responsibilities. When the order is taken from the buyer the duty comes to the floor
merchandisers and before going to the production they do almost everything to make the business
smooth. The work starts with the order receiving and making business relationship. Then the sample
making, Planning, booking of every single material for samples and getting approval are all the key
responsibilities of merchandisers. In case of production, sample goes in bulk so, the responsibilities
become huge and it’s come to the relation with operation