The target of a sound management is sustainability in the long run. In this competitive era to
sustain in the long run, strategic decisions are required. The efficiency also has the necessity to
enhance for utilization of limited funds for greater output and utilization of limited resources
are demanded to divide into existing and new projects. (Maroyi and Poll, 2012). Most of the
developing country provides more power to the financial manager than others. So, they run the
firm as their autonomy which makes them worthy of deep thinking and makes the best
Though a firm needs to increase the shareholders' value and for that they need to recognize
the conception of a new project, evaluate it, and after that choose the project which gives more
value which will help to survive, sustainability, and long-term growth. The procedure of
identifying, selecting, evaluating, and investing in fixed assets or projects, which provide the
highest return for more than a year is called capital budgeting (Fabozzi and Peterson,2002).
The process of capital budgeting is principally associated with the purchase and replacement of
fixed assets, business expansion or it can be a new product. (Emery et al., 2007). It is also
associated with modernization and the addition of fixed assets, product diversification, new
projects, etc.
Suzette and Howard, (2011) pointed out that, Capital Budgeting is the process of long-term
investment, which helps to fund cash for capital, investment, and expenditure. In the long-term
and short-term both investments are needed to do capital budgeting which will ensure the
sustainability and future benefit of a company. The future benefit like, survive in the
competitive market, control the expenditure, and assure profitability. Though capital budgeting
is often used for a large amount of expenditure which also helps to repay it for a long-term
commitment and since the interest rate is directly influenced by the cost of capital, the firm
should pay more consideration in the financial market (Pandey, 2010). On the other hand, cash
flow is also can be affected by the investment where risks are associated. The investment is
surrounded by financial performance. That's why firms need to evaluate capital budgeting
decisions critically. Capital budgeting is a systematic process but the future is unpredictable but
it is also consolation that it helps to show the path of success (Dakito and Jaladi, 2017). In this
competitive era, sustainability is getting tough. To increase the shareholders wealth, the
company is using the capital budgeting for proper uses of the limited fund (Shim and Siegel,
Capital Budgeting is mainly used to purchase and replacement of fixed assets to increase the
efficiency of the business activity. (Emery et al., 2007). It is proved that maximum companies
use capital budgeting techniques for taking decisions. For example: In Sierra Leone, research
shows a positive impact of capital budgeting on the banking sector. Eleven commercial banks
were investigated to find out the actual result. By using correlation and regression analysis
methods the results were found and it says that in capital budgeting - the payback period has a
great impact on ta the performance of non-commercial banks. All the techniques have a
positive impact on these banks except the internal rate of return technique (IRR) (Samuel,
2019). But rarely, in contrast, in 2012 where the Kenyan corporations in the viewpoint of
maximizing shareholders wealth, the capital budgeting techniques were also applied but none
of the techniques shows any positive result (Olum, 2012). Similarly, another research conduct
with 400 CEOs in ten countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). All the large, medium,
and small firms are included. The research shows that the practice of capital budgeting is
affected by the culture, size of the firm, environment, management, etc. Among the firms, 56%
of large firms and 44% of small firms are using capital budgeting techniques but the interesting
findings are, though the projects are showing positive results on capital budgeting techniques,
the management still rejects it. (Andor et al., 2015)