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Financial Performance Analysis of BEXIMCO Pharmaceuticals Limited

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dc.contributor.author Prianka Aysha Airin Prianka, Aysha Airin
dc.date.accessioned 2020-12-05T07:44:12Z
dc.date.available 2020-12-05T07:44:12Z
dc.date.issued 2020-09-22
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.daffodilvarsity.edu.bd:8080/handle/123456789/5277
dc.description I am a student of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), major in Finance as I am a finance background student, it is necessary to know about the financial position of a company or its position in the market. The industries and business build the economy of a country. The Finance background student like me should know the importance of ratio analysis and the financial position. In my four-year BBA studies, I have only learned the theoretical aspects but by doing this project, I am able to connect me with the real scenario of a company. University has provided me this type of opportunity to do something real life stuffs. There are many private and multinational business organizations if we do not understand their market position it will be a loss for us as we are business background student. The university provide us opportunity to know any business organization by providing Internship or Project for 3-4 months. I have chosen the project report as I think this theoretical knowledge will help me more to make a report on this interesting subject “Financial Performance Analysis on Pharmaceuticals companies”. There are many industrial sectors in Bangladesh but most prominent growth is in the pharmaceutical industry. I have gathered a lot of experience when doing this project report. I hope this report will help others to know about the financial positions and importance of ratio analysis. That is why I have chosen the topic “Financial Performance Analysis on Pharmaceuticals companies”. I am very much thankful to my honorable faculty for giving me this opportunity en_US
dc.description.abstract Bangladesh is an industry friendly country. There are many industries in Bangladesh. Both domestic and foreign investors have vast opportunity to fund or make industries. Beximco Pharmaceutical Limited is the most famous company in Bangladesh. Since its inception in 1979, Mil has continued to strive to maintain a leading position in the Bangladeshi pharmaceutical industry, even in the new centuries. Taking care of health in society does not compromise them. They provide the highest quality medicines at affordable prices to meet the needs of millions of people in the country. Regular introduction of innovative products tailored to the needs of its customers has been the key to the company's success over the years. Since we have successfully maintained the quality of our products since the beginning of our journey in the late seventies, this has earned the trust and confidence of the community. Intelligent approach to manufacturing, race and D and marketing becomes a strategic goal in 2010 and beyond. A company's performance appraisal is usually related to how well a company manages its assets, shareholder's equity and liabilities, revenues and expenses. Financial ratio analysis is an excellent tool for evaluating the performance of any company. To determine the financial position of Beximco Pharmaceutical Ltd. and to determine how well Beximco Pharmaceutical Ltd. has performed, its operations and management and the extent to which the company has been successful in utilizing its assets and making a profit. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Daffodil International University en_US
dc.subject Pharmaceutical Technology en_US
dc.title Financial Performance Analysis of BEXIMCO Pharmaceuticals Limited en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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