The Daily Campus.com is one of the best Education Based Web Portal in Bangladesh. The Portal
has a clear advantage over the competitors. The Daily Campus has some additional features in
comparison to its competitors. The News of The Daily Campus is playing a vital role to increase the
subscribers and customers.
Internship provides the opportunity for exploring professional skill and gaining more knowledge
about professionalism. Being a student of Journalism & Mass Communication I have learned about
online journalism. How a online media works, structure of an online news portal, how newsroom
work, how to work under more pressure. Apart from institutional learning I also learned how
practical journalism practice is going on in Bangladeshi online media. This is an internship report
on my working experience in News department at The Daily Campus.com. It starts with an
introduction about The Daily Campus.com followed by the activities of the channel. I describe how
News team works and my responsibilities there. I then tried to spell out my personal & professional
experiences as an intern. At end of this report I included observation of my professional gaining,
learning and limitations during the internship.