The study titles ‘Preparation of mainstream news media to respond to the challenges created
by social media in Bangladesh’ was designed to know the solutions for sustaining the
mainstream news media during the digital age. People are now become habituated to get the news
instantly and losing the habit to read the full news. Today’s story becomes dead to them. In fact,
they want to give an opinion on every matter. The traditional media is not the place to fulfill these
demands. As a result, many reputed news institutions have vanished into the thin air and
some have compromised with subsidies. The study shows that the news institutions are trying
to use the digital platform as a supporting role. They are improving the digital skills and tools.
The print media is acting like electronic media also. Similarly, the electronic media has the
print version. Even, some news media has become bilingual to grab both audiences. Some
institutions have applied different marketing strategies, some are presenting the news program
as an entertaining program. Though some faced with bitter experiences but did not pause to step