This project report has been prepared based on the observations of Agro Farming in Bangladesh.
I choose this topic because I want to do business in the agro industry of Bangladesh. This report
helps me to understand the opportunities, demand and challenges of the agro farming industry.
Bangladesh is an Agri dependable country and this Agri is the largest employment sector of
Bangladesh. 80% of total population earn their livelihood by farming and 65% rural economy
comes from this sector. It directly hit our macro economy as well as secure foods for our huge
population. Rice, jute is our main agricultural product but apart from that we have our sub-sectors
of agriculture like livestock, fish, vegetables, and forest and forsterites.
Agricultural history of Bangladesh is very old. It carries thousands of years of glorious history. It
is mentioned in many ancient books, mythology and also mentioned by the famous travelers. Our
agriculture has three ages of evolution. One is ancient age, where lots of agro products like rice,
jute, are produced. These crops are our ancient crops. Then in middle age, crop production
developed by the monitoring of Mughal empires. History says that it was the best time for
agricultural prosperity. Then British colonial rules started, throughout this time we adopted many
foreign crops for the result of international trading. For example, potato, guava, many fruits are
enlisted to our crop production.
This report contains five chapters: in first chapter introduction is combined with overview, history
of agriculture, objective, methodology and limitation of the study; the second chapter is about brief
overview of crop production, production capacity and export import data; in chapter three
opportunities, challenges and new farming approach; the fourth chapter is about the government
plan and support and the last chapter, chapter five is findings, recommendations and conclusion.