Constructional Support will be able to deal with both the real-world and eCommerce. As
people want to learn nearly everything online. The site will be able to make them
satisfied by giving all the necessary information. The user will be able to be facilitated by
the consultant. This system will help both buyer and seller to know each other. Users
will be able to filter the store of necessary constructional products according to the area.
The general price and source of products will be also given on the website. Now a day’s
landowner finds the opportunity to give their land to the developers for building the
house. But there is less opportunity for them in the online world to get the exact
information about the developers and give the advertisement of their lands. This site will
give this opportunity to the user to introduce themselves as the landowner and tread
their lands. The developer's group will also be able to attach their information in the
developer’s field of the system. The main target of the system is to facilitate the user
with all the requirements from one place.
This system will also facilitate the construction workers to get work. The user will be
able to find the information on necessary transport from this system.
The system has been developed by analyzing several technologies concerning the
server and client servers.