Coronavirus is an infectious disease which transmits human to human. On 11 March, 2020
WHO declared Covid-19 as a global pandemic.The goal of this study is to evaluate the changes
of food habit and nutritional knowledge among Bangladeshi Adults in urban areas before and
after Covid-19 pandemic. It is a cross sectional study. A questionnaire survey which was
collected through an online platform, took approximately 10-15 minutes time of a participant.
This project work covered approximately 39 districts out of 64 districts in the country. Total
n=384 respondents above 18 years old; 73.96% are in the 18-35 years age group and 59.37%
are male. Relationship between healthy diet and Covid-19 awareness is somehow observed as
overall intake of protein has slightly increased. Conversely, carbohydrate intake has also gone
down may be due to home stay for longer period and skipping breakfast. Some good foodhabits are increased, like avoiding street foods, restaurant’s foods etc. And they had improved
their health with micronutrients by eating more fruits and vegetables as well as vitamin and
zinc supplements.