Teaching English language to the students of different academic areas (multidisciplinary or domain specific) of tertiary level with same general language planning and
materials is an approach to ensure Equality. But teaching every particular group with specific
goal-oriented and subject-related tailor made course is congruent with the concept of Equity.
English language teaching ought to be needs-based. Need varies from one profession to another.
Communicative skill of a lawyer is different from that of a scientist or an engineer. To ensure
equity, teachers need to implement ESP, which has necessarily been introduced to meet the
rising demand of the academic and professional learners. In ESP, to specify the learners ‘needs
(includes necessities, lacks and wants), intensive observation and research are carried out. Next
other steps like syllabus design, materials development, teaching and evaluation in ESP are very
innovative. The same teacher does everything, so there is a wonderful harmony among the steps
of language teaching. Sound proficiency in English is the key to get access into the global world,
thus it has become a vital issue in achieving success in any professional settings. Four domainspecific (Business English, English for Lawyers, English language for the students of Computer
Science and Engineering and English language for the students of the Health Science area in
Bangladesh) ESP courses were developed after determining authentic needs, goals and
objectives and designing tailor-made syllabus and materials as a reflection of four individual
action research on 200 ( 50 students of health science area, 50 students of Computer Science
and Engineering, 50 students of Business Administration and 50 students of Law) of tertiary
level of both public and private universities of Bangladesh. This study evaluates the prospect and
effectiveness of ESP courses for ensuring equity among different groups of future leaders.